Saturday, October 26, 2013

How To Create Wireless Charger For Your Android Phone

How To Create Wireless Charger For Your Android Phone

You will need the following:
Palm Touchstone £5.24 (Amazon UK)
Palm Pre Touchstone case £3.49 (eBay)
Electrical Tape
Copper foil tape [thanks rj3005]
Solder Iron & Solder

Instructions: (Will use Samsung Galaxy Note II here)
Take the induction coil out of the Palm Pre case carefully.

!!! Its very important that you peel the silver sticker off carefully and not cause any sharp bends which could cause cracking. You need this silver sticker to stay intact for the whole operation to work!!!

The top pin is positive and bottom is negative as shown in the picture, this is also the same on the note the top pin being positive and bottom negative.
Place the coil in the center of the battery case then place the silver sticker over the coil as it was on the Palm Pre (this is very important that you place the silver sticker back over the coil as without it the induction doesn't seem to work.)
Check where the charging pins on the note meets with the case and marked it with a pen to indicate where the wires copper tape would have to be.
Using copper tape, stuck two tracks going from the charging circuit to the charging pins positions, make sure you leave enough copper track to fold the tape twice over itself to create a spring going against the charging pins.
Solder the track to the charging circuit by tinning the end of the copper track and soldering it to charging circuit contacts, then cut electrical tape to size and place it over the copper track. After place the original insulation cover over the coil with the magnets.
Place the battery cover over the Palm Touchstone dock and checked the voltage from the copper track with a meter (should be 5.6V any less means you have left the silver foil off or not placed it correctly) to check everything is working and the polarity is correct.
Place it back on the phone and there you go, you have now wireless charger.
NFC works and magnets do not affect the phone testing the S Pen and Compass seem to operate all good.
Credits to Ryan_G from XDA

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